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Global Elementary Teachers Book Download: How to Access the eBook, Online Practice, and Teacher's Re

Writer's picture: nysutegooftunysutegooftu

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Global Elementary Teachers Book Download

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I truly love the concise format of this text and how many different examples it uses to explain the concepts. The Geometry of Arts and Science and Tangrams were so informative with fun activities. It's easy to tell when one example ends and another begins, although index/or glossary and a system of links from the table of contents would be greatly appreciated. I did not see Points on a Coordinate Plane. Additionally, the number of exercises per section is too small. Of course this can be remedied by adding more. As with any textbook, the reader will need to supplement certain sections and clarify particular terms and concepts to best fit their situation. Pre-service elementary education majors could transition to this book fairly easily and successfully teach K-6 students in the United States in alignment with current Common Core Math Standards.

This text covers elementary mathematics strands including place value, numbers and operations, fractions, patterns, algebraic thinking, decimals, and geometry. Measurement and Data and Statistics strands are not included in this particular text. The last chapter supplies the audience with problem-based learning approaches that include some measurement, but not in the detail of previous chapters of the book. It does incorporate problem solving strategies and pedagogical techniques teachers may use in the classroom. Examples with solutions and clarifying notes are provided throughout the text. The text does address Common Core Standards as well as the eight mathematical process standards. The textbook also provide teachers with a conceptual understanding of elementary mathematics along with appropriate mathematical terminology. The text does not offer an index or glossary.

The mathematics content provided in this text is accurate and provides thorough examples of teaching elementary mathematics for pre-service teachers. I found the text to build conceptual understanding and procedural fluency rather than just focus on basic algorithms to solve math problems. This is especially important for pre-service teachers, as they need to truly understand the "why" behind the math tricks that are often taught in early grades. The embedded links throughout the text are all in working order, as well.

The problem-solving approach to mathematics is especially relevant for elementary pre-service teachers; the intended audience. The book does expand beyond elementary mathematics, however, this is deemed extremely useful for all levels of mathematics teachers. Knowing the mathematical concepts beyond elementary strands allows teachers to know where there students are going and the mathematical purpose of content standards at each grade level. Many of the pedagogical techniques presented in the text are aligned with current research and instructional strategies for the elementary classroom.

This text provides explanations and defines mathematical terminology and has accessible prose. Beginning with the problem solving chapter before the specific content strands allows teachers to apply and consider strategies throughout the text. Often times, textbooks save problem solving for the end, but this text addresses strategies upfront and spirals nicely throughout the text. Some of the examples and visual representations are intended for an audience with mathematical background knowledge and strengths. A pre-service teacher may need help with content review prior to understanding the selection of particular problems highlighted in the text.

This book is an easy read and may be easily broken up for weekly reading assignments and reflections. It seems as if mathematics teachers had a hand in writing this book. Bulleted and numbered lists are used throughout the text. The text also presents examples in clear, colored blocks. Visual models are clear and concise.

This textbook has a solid foundation and is well-organized for it's intended audience, the elementary mathematics pre-service teacher. This text will help build conceptual understanding of mathematics that will lead to procedural fluency for teachers. The text also provides clear examples of instructional strategies to be used in today's classrooms. Methods courses for pre-service teachers will find this text extremely useful and easy to incorporate in elementary mathematics methods instruction.

This textbook is intended to cover the mathematics topics necessary to prepare pre-service elementary education majors to successfully teach K-6 students in the United States in alignment with current Common Core Math Standards. The textbook is more

This textbook is intended to cover the mathematics topics necessary to prepare pre-service elementary education majors to successfully teach K-6 students in the United States in alignment with current Common Core Math Standards. The textbook is a mostly comprehensive collection of K-6 Common Core elementary math topics ranging from non-numerical problem solving through summative PBL assessments incorporating algebra, geometry and authentic problem solving. However, several topics related to K-6 CCSS Standards are not covered or minimally covered. CCSS topics with minimal coverage include set theory, logic, integers, probability, graphing and data analysis. At the beginning of the book, there is an effective and accessible table of contents with links included. However, sections and subsections are labeled only with names and page numbers. The text does not contain an index, glossary or appendices. Chapter summaries and links to previous concepts/problems are not included but would support student learning if included. More visuals and historical explorations would increase comprehensiveness.

Although mathematical concepts at the elementary level remain the same, the approach to engaging students in learning and the methods of instruction have evolved greatly. The book lacks many of the newer approaches and is outdated. The arrangement of the concepts is okay. I would recommend that the big ideas of teaching math are in the beginning and providing an overview of what is mathematics and best approaches to teaching/learning mathematics. Then scaffold the specific concepts. Fractions is one of the most complex and abstract, and this book starts there as a first topic.

The book is written in a very clear and concise way that is approachable to future and current elementary teachers. The author presents key words in bold throughout the book to draw attention to them. I liked the way that the author included videos as well as written explanations of ideas, such as in the Number and Operations chapter, section titled Addition: Dots and Boxes. The author explains, in words, how to use this method to add multi-digit numbers and follows the written example with a video explanation. This helps to reach a variety of learners and learning styles. The author also addresses common "jargon" associated with particular mathematical concepts, such as proper and improper fractions (section titled What is a Fraction?), and discusses how this jargon can be misleading for students.

In my opinion, this was one of the biggest strengths of this text. The author did a nice job of incorporating Hawaiian culture into the text. For example, the author includes an image in the Place Value chapter (Number Systems section) that references the use of tally marks on a sign at Hanakapiai Beach. In addition, a full chapter was devoted to Voyaging on Hōkūle`a. I particularly liked how the author connected this idea to beginning teaching of elementary mathematics and encouraged future teachers to think about ways to see mathematics outside of traditional mathematical settings.

I am glad that I came across this resource. I primarily teach math methods courses for elementary pre-service teachers, but I found many aspects of this text that I can incorporate into my classes to help students think more deeply about the mathematics that they will teach. I appreciated the author's attempt to challenge students in their thinking about elementary mathematics. Initially, I was surprised to find that there was no "answer key" provided for the many problem sets that were included throughout the text. After reading the quote presented on the introductory page to the Problem Solving chapter, I realized that this may have been an intentional decision made by the author to encourage readers to go beyond "a trail someone else has laid." I find that many pre-service elementary teachers want to "just know the answer" when it comes to mathematics; a no answer key approach will encourage discussion and justification, two elements important to ensuring equity in the teaching and learning of mathematics.

The content that elementary teachers need to have that is not covered in this book is graphing, probability, statistics, exponents, visual displays of data. The coverage of operations is very specific in the examples and does not cover the more

The content that elementary teachers need to have that is not covered in this book is graphing, probability, statistics, exponents, visual displays of data. The coverage of operations is very specific in the examples and does not cover the wide range that should be presented in this type of text. 2ff7e9595c


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